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Rosemary oil [5ml]



Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis) has long been associated with memory enhancement. Studies have revealed significant improvement in memory and task performance after inhalation.

Used in: FOCUS for energy
Benefits: concentration, memory-enhancing
Contains: 100% pure rosemary essential oil


As a trusted supplier our commitment to essential oil safety and purity has to exceed all industry requirements, something we’ve pursued passionately and relentlessly for over 15 years.

Our 100% pure essential oils have been expertly sourced, distilled, laboratory-tested and packaged – all in keeping with the standards that healthcare professionals rely on to keep their patients safe. We avoid dubious labels like ‘certified pure therapeutic grade’, and instead focus our efforts on an extensive, multi-phase selection of products and labor practices that are uncompromised, sustainable, and suitable for even the most vulnerable patients.

The result is a collection of beautiful, quality essential oils, designed for the demands of the hospital environment, now packaged for home use – whether you’re seeking relief, putting yourself at ease, or looking to boost your vitality and well-being.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in

Diffusion: Three to four drops added to water, using the diffuser of your choice. .
Topical use: Dilute 12 drops into 1 oz carrier oil and massage into the skin
Dilute into a bath or hot water for facial steams

Place under the nose and inhale

Collection method
Steam Distillation, GC/MS tested.

Do not ingest. Do not use directly on the skin without diluting first. Keep out of reach of children. This product should not be used as a substitute for the treatment of medical diseases or conditions.

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