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Therapeutic Inhaled Essential Oils to Decrease Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting and Improve Patient Outcomes Along with Hospital Costs in the Women’s Services Department

To decrease patients postoperative ’ nausea and vomiting by using aromatherapy as a comfort measure in addition to antiemetic medications. DATE: February, 2025 This evidence-based practice (EBP) project aims to implement a hospital grade essentialoil blend to decrease postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), post anesthesia careunit (PACU) length of stay, and overall antiemetic/anti-nausea medication use, ultimatelyimproving patient outcomes and satisfaction

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Aromatherapy Blend Program for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

To decrease patients postoperative ’ nausea and vomiting by using aromatherapy as a comfort measure in addition to antiemetic medications. DATE: July 10, 2023 BACKGROUND Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) are one of the most common complications, which occur between 20% to 50% in general surgery patients and as high as 80% in high-risk populations that can last up to

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Reducing Stress Levels in Healthcare

This research explores whether the application of various holistic interventions reduces stress levels among inpatient healthcare workers.  AUTHOR: Brooke Hunsberger ADN, RN, Wangmo Gurung BSN, RN, Breanna Halter MSN, RN , Elizabeth Clemmer BSN, RN DATE: August 2023 BACKGROUND Healthcare workers face increased susceptibility to both psychological and physiological stress, contributing to a diminished overall quality of life and impaired

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The Effects of Therapeutic Inhaled Essential Oils on Preoperative Anxiety in Patients undergoing Ambulatory Urological Procedures

To evaluate the efficacy of the Soothing Scents STILL QuickTab therapeutic inhaled essential oil (TIEO) packet on reducing preoperative anxiety in ambulatory surgery patients undergoing urological procedures  AUTHOR: Sade Davis, BSN, SRNA, DNP(c)  Fairfield University, Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies DATE: January 2021 BACKGROUND Traditionally, benzodiazepines have been the primary approach for addressing preoperative anxiety, but they come

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Aromatherapy with Soothing Scents 

This research investigates whether the implementation of aromatherapy among healthcare workers and hospital staff leads to a reduction in stress levels in comparison to healthcare workers who do not use aromatherapy.   AUTHOR: Lauren Hoch, ADN, RN, Madison Hess, BSN, RN Pediatrics DATE: October 2021 BACKGROUND Work-related stress and burnout pose significant challenges, potentially resulting in higher turnover rates that can

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Kaiser Permanente Fontana Medical Centre – PACU Department Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Aromatherapy Trial

October 2019 -In a trial conducted by Kaiser Permanente Fontana Medical Center results revealed 67% of patients did not require additional antiemetics after administering QueaseEASE in the PACU setting and 100% of the trial participants stated they found QueaseEASE to be beneficial. TEAM LEADERS Sarah Todd, BSN, RNLisa Haas, BSN, RN DATA ANALYSIS Dean McCann, Data Consultant, Perioperative Services BACKGROUND

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