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Kaiser Permanente (2019) – A trial study evaluating the effects of aromatherapy intervention in PACU to treat PONV

In a trial by Kaiser Permanente Fontana Medical Center results revealed 67% of patients did not require additional antiemetics after administering QueaseEASE in the PACU setting and 100% of the trial participants stated they found QueaseEASE to be beneficial. DATE: October 2019 READ THE FULL STUDY BELOW: BACKGROUND Quality improvement projects have shown that aromatherapy can be used as an

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Providence St. Patrick Hospital (TBA) – An examination of the efficacy of aromatherapy for first-line PONV treatment in the PACU

In an investigational trial involving 65 patients at Providence St. Patrick Hospital, the need for any additional antiemetics decreased by 71.8% when QueaseEASE was used as a first-line nausea treatment in PACU DATE: TBA READ THE FULL STUDY BELOW: BACKGROUND Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is one of the most common postoperative complications, affecting 20-30% of patients (Abib-Hajbaghery & Hosseini,

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Doernbecher Children’s Hospital (2017) – A study on the effects of inhaled aromatherapy on reducing nausea

A study conducted in a Level 1 Trauma Center Pediatric Emergency Department showed that 79% of patients’ nausea was reduced or eliminated  after using QueaseEASE® AUTHORS: Sonya McBryde, BSN, RN, CPEN, CEN; Denise Langley, MBA, BSN, RN; Melinda Hartenstein, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN  DATE PUBLISHED: September 2017 READ THE FULL STUDY BELOW: PURPOSE Our staff wanted to offer a non-pharmacological

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Missions Hospital of Providence St Joseph Health (2017) – Reviewing the reduction of costs in antiemetic drugs following aromatherapy treatment

A small trial conducted in the PACU found that 15 out of 52 of the patients did not require any additional antiemetics after receiving QueaseEASE®, resulting in a cost savings of $750. AUTHOR(S): Cathy Nolte Slupik BSN RN CCRN Mission Hospital of Providence St Joseph Health, Mission Viejo, California. Team Members: Margie Whittaker MSN RN, Debbie Busby-Edebiri BSN RN CNOR

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Alta Bates Summit Medical Center (2016) – Investigating the validity of inhaled essential oils in a PACU setting to treat PONV

An evaluative trial done by the Sutter Health Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, revealed that QueaseEASE® helped to relieve PONV in 70% of PACU patients.  AUTHOR(S): Study lead by Patricia Crosby, RN, BSN, MA, CCRN, CPAN, Staff Nurse IV, Luvimin Rzepiela, RN, BSN, CAPA, Staff Nurse III DATE: March 2016 READ THE FULL STUDY BELOW: BACKGROUND INFORMATION Postoperative nausea and

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Deaconess Hospital (2017): A comparison of aromatherapy to standard care for PONV and PDNV relief in ambulatory surgical patients

In a prospective randomized study that compared QueaseEASE® to standard post-discharge nausea care, 100% of the patients using QueaseEASE® found effective relief from their PDN. AUTHOR(S): Lois M. Stallings-Welden, DNP, RN, CNS, Mary Doerner, MSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA, Elizabeth (Libby) Ketchem, MS, BSN, RN, CWS, NE-BC, Laura Ben- kert, BSN, RN, CAPA, Susan Alka, RN, Jonathan D. Stallings, PhD DATE:

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