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St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (2014) – Implementing aromatherapy into the pediatric oncology setting: an evidence-based initiative

At the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, data collected from a three-month pilot project showed QueaseEASE® to be a feasible and effective intervention for PONV. It also found that patients, families and nursing staff were highly satisfied with QueaseEASE®. AUTHOR(S): Melinda Burks BSN, RN, CPHON, Tara Chambers MSN, RN, Heather Bradley BA, RN, Kristy Gibbons MS, RD, CSP, CSO, LDN,

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Floyd Memorial Hospital (2013) – Study on the efficacy of aromatherapy in the treatment of post-discharge nausea

A Floyd Memorial Hospital study showed that using QueaseEASE® for post-discharge nausea reduced nausea 100% of the time.  In addition, nearly half experienced complete relief. Findings published in the October 2015 issue of the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. AUTHORS: Laura Mcilvoy, PhD, RN, CCRN, CNRN, Linda Richmer, BSN, RN, CPAN, Deborah Kramer, ASN, RN, Rita Jackson, BSN, RN, Leslee Shaffer,

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Madigan Army Medical Center (2012) – A prospective, randomized study of aromatherapy effectiveness for PONV relief

In a study conducted by Madigan Healthcare System, QueaseEASE® users showed a statistically significant decrease in nausea, and a significantly higher perception of treatment effectiveness. AUTHOR(S): Hodge, N., Pierce, R., McCarthy, M., Feider, L., Center for Nursing Science & Clinical Inquiry, and Sumner, C., Medical-Surgical Nursing Unit. DATE PUBLISHED: December 2012 READ THE FULL STUDY BELOW: BACKGROUND Postoperative nausea and

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UMass Lowell School of Nursing (2018) – Comparative review of QueaseEASE and standard care in the hospital setting

In a randomized study by UMass Lowell School of Nursing comparing QueaseEASE® to conventional medication, PONV relief was achieved within 7.8 minutes for QueaseEASE® users,  compared to 66.8 minutes for patients given antiemetics. AUTHOR(S): Mary Carroll RN CAPA CNOR, Laurie McManus RN BSN, Amanda Uglietta Rn BSN Lowell General Hospital, Yuan Zhang, PhD, RN, School of Nursing, UMass Low DATE:

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University of Colorado Hospital (2015) – Outpatient surgery department review of aromatherapy for postoperative nausea and vomiting

In a descriptive, qualitative study by the University of Colorado comparing QueaseEASE® to alcohol pads, patients and nurses both reported significantly higher satisfaction with QueaseEASE®. AUTHOR(S): Debra Malone BSN, RN, CAPA DATE: April 2015 READ THE FULL STUDY BELOW: PURPOSE The purpose of this quality improvement study was to compare the patient and provider’s satisfaction with isopropyl alcohol to QueaseEASE®

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