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Bon Secours (2013) – Evidence-based review: Efficacy and satisfaction of QueaseEASE use in postoperative setting

Bon Secour St. Francis Health System, QueaseEASE Medical case Study

Clinical trials by Bon Secour St. Francis Health System concluded that 70% of patients reported nausea relief after using QueaseEASE®, both in PACU and post-discharge. In addition, 97% were satisfied with their treatment for nausea.

AUTHOR: Sandy Rotsted BSN, RN

DATE: March 2013



61 – Total QueaseEASE® Used.

10 – Not used according to protocol (i.e. Preoperative or as second-line antiemetic in PACU) so eliminated from all study results.

17 of the 51 study patients – Needed further tx for nausea (33%).

3.45 – Average relief in PACU after QueaseEASE® of the 51 study patients (on scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest).

3.43 – Average relief at discharge after all tx of the 51 study patients (on scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest).


36 of the 51 test cases were reached postoperatively (70%).

3.83 – “Did QueaseEASE® provide you any relief from nausea after surgery?” – perception at postoperative call (on scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest).

17 of the 36 reached by phone continued to use QueaseEASE® postoperatively

(47%) (Note: many did not continue to use the QueaseEASE® because they did not need it).

31 of the 36 reached by phone would like to receive QueaseEASE® if they had surgery again (86%).

31 of the 36 reached by phone would recommend QueaseEASE® to others (86%).

35 of the 36 were satisfied with treatment they received for nausea (97%).


On 3/6/13 – Dr. Lynam, “Can I have more QueaseEASE® for my LandD patients. The patients love it and it has worked very well.”


To determine if the product is clinically acceptable.


62% of patients had relief from their nausea after using QueaseEASE®. Most nurses and patients found it easy to use. Average patient rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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