Clinical trials by Bon Secour St. Francis Health System concluded that 70% of patients reported nausea relief after using QueaseEASE®, both in PACU and post-discharge. In addition, 97% were satisfied with their treatment for nausea.
AUTHOR: Sandy Rotsted BSN, RN
DATE: March 2013
61 – Total QueaseEASE® Used.
10 – Not used according to protocol (i.e. Preoperative or as second-line antiemetic in PACU) so eliminated from all study results.
17 of the 51 study patients – Needed further tx for nausea (33%).
3.45 – Average relief in PACU after QueaseEASE® of the 51 study patients (on scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest).
3.43 – Average relief at discharge after all tx of the 51 study patients (on scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest).
36 of the 51 test cases were reached postoperatively (70%).
3.83 – “Did QueaseEASE® provide you any relief from nausea after surgery?” – perception at postoperative call (on scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest).
17 of the 36 reached by phone continued to use QueaseEASE® postoperatively
(47%) (Note: many did not continue to use the QueaseEASE® because they did not need it).
31 of the 36 reached by phone would like to receive QueaseEASE® if they had surgery again (86%).
31 of the 36 reached by phone would recommend QueaseEASE® to others (86%).
35 of the 36 were satisfied with treatment they received for nausea (97%).
On 3/6/13 – Dr. Lynam, “Can I have more QueaseEASE® for my LandD patients. The patients love it and it has worked very well.”
To determine if the product is clinically acceptable.
62% of patients had relief from their nausea after using QueaseEASE®. Most nurses and patients found it easy to use. Average patient rating: 4.5 out of 5.